Quest Dialogue Rewrites

General Procedure

We are currently engaged in two related reviews of vanilla Morrowind dialogue:

  1. Revising the dialogue and prompts of main faction quest-givers and prominent main-quest characters.

  2. Writing and revising prompts for all Morrowind quests.

All quests/NPCs undergoing revision have a card on the Writing Requests Trello board. This is the process you should follow when you pick a card to work on:

  1. Move the card from the "Unassigned" column to the "In Progress" column.

  2. Add yourself to the card.

  3. Read the details on the card. Make sure to note any restrictions about if edits should be to prompts only, or if editing NPC dialogue is okay.

  4. Open the spreadsheet linked on the card. You can edit this spreadsheet directly. If you want to make a backup of the original, duplicate the sheet.

  5. Follow the guidelines in the next section for what things need to be revised/rewritten.

  6. Color new lines in GREEN and lines to cut in RED.

  7. Leave a comment for coders about any special cases, e.g. conditions for the line, linking topics together, or anything else you think might be useful.

  8. When you're finished, move the card to "First Pass Complete".

  9. Remove yourself from the card, and post a message on Discord that you've finished your work.

Here's some additional tips for your workflow:

  • The guidelines below represent the minimum needed. If you can think of a way to give more personality to the NPC or make more in-depth conversations, go for it!

  • ThingyPerson of Beyond Skyrim: Morrowind/Cyrodiil/etc... has written an excellent guide for writers on dialogue systems used in Skyrim. This is recommended reading for both rewrites and any new dialogue you may write.

  • Feel free to add new rows/columns as needed. I typically add columns myself for prompt rewrites and coding notes; you may also want to add columns for new acting notes, changing the facial emotion, anything else you can think of.

  • Please feel free to rearrange the lines as needed. If you're working on Quest Prompts, the lines probably aren't ordered in the way that they will appear in-game. What I do personally when I work on these is pull up the UESP page for characters in the quest, and use the dialogue given in UESP to help arrange the spreadsheet lines to match the progression of the quest.

    • As of January 2022, we've decided to start providing reference videos of in-game dialogue, to show the order in which lines will appear and in what context. Links to such videos will be attached to the Trello cards and labeled "Reference Video". Note that this will be for Quest Revisions only. NPC Revisions should be suitably sorted on the script spreadsheet.

  • If you are editing a line by recutting existing dialogue and want to incorporate text from a different line, leave a note for Coding on where that line came from.

  • Prompts cannot exceed 80 characters, no exceptions. This includes spaces, punctuation, etc...

    • You can use the len() command to check the length of text in a cell.

  • Special characters, like the em-dash for instance, cannot be used.

  • Lines have a soft limit of 149 characters. It is technically possible to go over, but should be avoided for the sake of our voice actors.

  • Numbers do not have to be converted to their written form. This can be done automatically.

  • If you ever aren't sure about something, e.g. how lines link together, or what order lines go in, the meaning/context of a certain line, etc...

    • 1) Don't hesitate to ask questions.

    • 2) Feel free to give multiple options. Implementation is easier when the coders have a couple options to pick from for different contexts.

  • On the topic of implementers, they have their own guidelines to follow, here: Quest Design Principles. You might find it useful to read these over.

Dialogue Rewrite Guidelines & Tips

This list covers what to look for when revising dialogue. It is not comprehensive, but should give a good idea of the kind of issues that Morrowind's dialogue had.

1. Make sure the lines are well paced

Check that each segment in the topicinfo has a logical breaking point and is reasonable length. Morrowind's blocks of text were originally split into segments without much regard for pacing. (The original splitting was likely done in Morroblivion.)

  • Note: Even though it is possible to go over 150 characters, this is difficult for VAs to manage. Avoid it if possible.

  • Example:

    • Original

      1. But there is a book I have heard of, 'Confessions of a Dunmer Skooma-Eater,' which claims to be a memoir of a Dunmer woman

      2. who overcame her addiction to skooma. This book praises skooma, and says that skooma addicts are not necessarily foolish or evil.

    • Corrected

      1. But there is a book I have heard of, 'Confessions of a Dunmer Skooma-Eater,' which claims to be a memoir of a Dunmer woman who overcame her addiction to skooma.

      2. This book praises skooma, and says that skooma addicts are not necessarily foolish or evil.

2. Avoid keyword repetition

Quest assignment tends to follow a pattern of (1) brief response, (2) player response, (3) long response. There tends to be excessive repetition of "keywords" in this series. Rework the player prompts and NPC responses so that the quest assignment flows smoothly.

  • Example:

    • Original

      1. Lorbumol: I have a bounty contracted worth 500 gold for Adraria Vandacia.

      2. Player: Who's Adraria Vandacia?

      3. Lorbumol: I have a bounty contract for 500 septims for Adraria Vandacia. She's at one of the Census and Excise buildings in Seyda Neen.

    • Corrected

      1. Lorbumol: I have a bounty contracted worth 500 gold for Adraria Vandacia.

      2. Player: Where can I find this Adraria?

      3. Lorbumol: She's at one of the Census and Excise buildings in Seyda Neen.

3. Avoid non-sequitur prompts

Remember that the player can generally go through dialogue in any order, and can leave conversation and come back. Prompts need to make sense regardless for all possible cases.

  • For instance, quest assignment often follows a pattern of (1) brief response, (2) player response, (3) long response, but we need to make sure that the prompts still work if instead the player goes (1) brief response, (2) player leaves conversation, (3) player comes back to conversation, NPC gives a generic greeting, (4) player returns to quest topic, (5) long response.

    • When dealing with the quest assignment pattern, is it possible to have alternate prompts for if the player asks about the quest topic right away, or if they return to it later. However, this is not possible for greetings.

    • Example (Quest Assignment):

      • Original

        1. Eno Hlaalu: One of the leaders of the Dark Brotherhood here in Vvardenfell is Durus Marius. He and his followers have retreated to Assernerairan.

        2. Player: I've already been there and cleansed it of the Dark Brotherhood.

        3. Eno Hlaalu: So you have already honorably executed Durus Marius? (etc...)

      • For quest assignment, it is okay to have "I've already been there", but we need an alternate for if the player leaves the conversation and comes back to it later.

      • Revised

        1. Eno Hlaalu: One of the leaders of the Dark Brotherhood here in Vvardenfell is Durus Marius. He and his followers have retreated to Assernerairan.

        2. Player (linked from original topic): I've already been there and cleansed it of the Dark Brotherhood.

        3. Player (alternate for if the player leaves and comes back): I've already been to Assernerairan and cleansed it of the Dark Brotherhood.

        4. Eno Hlaalu: So you have already honorably executed Durus Marius? (etc...)

  • As mentioned, this is not possible when returning from a quest. (The technical issue is we that cannot link topics from greetings.)

  • I normally add alternate prompts a line below the "main" prompt on the script spreadsheet, and leave a comment of what it is supposed to be used for. Alternatively, you could add a new column for alternate prompts.

  • Finishing a quest has a similar pattern of (1) greeting comment on quest status, (2) player response, (3) NPC reaction. But again, there's nothing that requires the player to follow this pattern.

    • Example (Quest Return):

      • Original

        1. Eno Hlaalu, greeting the player: How goes the fight in Assernerairan?

        2. Player: The Dark Brotherhood there is dead, as you required.

        3. Eno Hlaalu: So Durus Marius is dead and the cult in Assernerairan has been crushed. (etc...)

      • The player could ask about, say, other writs before replying about Assernerairan. The prompt "The Dark Brotherhood there is dead" wouldn't make much sense if Eno Hlaalu was just talking about a writ for someone in an entirely different place.

      • Revised

        1. Eno Hlaalu, greeting the player: How goes the fight against the Dark Brotherhood?

        2. Player: Our enemies in Assernerairan are dead, as you required.

        3. Eno Hlaalu: So Durus Marius is dead and the cult in Assernerairan has been crushed. (etc...)

      • Note that we have competing objectives here! We want to avoid excessive repetition of "Assernerairan" and "Dark Brotherhood", while still having an informative prompt. The requires changing both the prompt and preceding greeting. Sometimes it won't be possible to change the NPC line, however. If that's the case, just do the best you can with the prompt alone.

4. Allow repeated instructions

The player should be able to ask the quest-giver to repeat what they are supposed to do. However, you generally want a different prompt for the first time you ask vs. asking for repetition. If the quest doesn't already have a line where the NPC repeats instructions, come up with a second prompt for the line that asks the NPC to repeat what they said. Again, I normally add alterate prompts a line below the "main" propmt on the script spreadsheet, and leave a comment of what it is supposed to be used for. Alternatively, you could add a new column for alternate prompts.

5. Avoid topic repetition while turning in quests

This issue is most common when completing the quest involves handing over an item. When returning to turn in a quest, the NPC will greet the player, asking about the quest status. The player responds and... the NPC effectively just repeats their greeting back to the player, except now the player has an option to hand over or keep the item. This stems from Morrowind's keyword system: There's no prompt to inform the player what clicking the keyword will do, so a buffer is built in to give the player a chance to back out. This is not needed for Skywind. The player should be able to hand over the item from the top level of dialogue, and the "no, I'm keeping it" responses can be discarded. If you want to keep the buffer, please revise the dialogue so that there is not excessive repetition between lines.

  • Example:

    • Original

      1. Baladas, greeting the player: Were you able to find the three Dwemer Books?

      2. Player: I have the books you want.

      3. Baladas: Have you found the three Dwemer Books I need? (The player is prompted to select 1 of 3 books to hand over.)

      4. Player: I think I found one of the books you wanted.

      5. Baladas: Have you found a copy of <Nchunak's Fire and Faith/Chronicles of Nchuleft/Antecedents of Dwemer Law>? (The player is prompted yes/no to give the book)

      6. Player: Yes, here it is.

      7. Baladas: Good. This is one of the three books I was looking for.

    • Revised

      1. Baladas, greeting the player: Were you able to find the three Dwemer Books?

      2. Player: I found a copy of <Nchunak's Fire and Faith/Chronicles of Nchuleft/Antecedents of Dwemer Law>. Here, take it.

      3. Baladas: Good. This is one of the three books I was looking for.

    • In the original, lines 2 thru 5 exist only because of Morrowind's keyword dialogue system. There's no need for it in Skywind. They can be cut.

  • Example:

    • Original

      1. Imsin (greeting player): Are you here to report on Joncis Dalomax?

      2. Player: Joncis Dalomax is safe.

      3. Imsin: I am glad to hear that Joncis is safe. You have my gratitude.

    • Revised

      1. Imsin (greeting player): Are you here to report on Joncis Dalomax?

      2. Player: Joncis Dalomax is safe.

      3. Imsin: I am glad to hear it. You have my gratitude.

6. Avoid clairvoyant questgivers

When the player goes to turn in a quest, the NPC will often greet the player asking for a status report. The player will reply, and the NPC ma respond as if they've already gotten the full report from someone else. This is best resolved by adding a new greeting for when the player has completed the quest.

  • Example:

    • Original

      1. Percius: Do you have any new information on the situation in Vas? You should speak to Ulyne Henim.

      2. Player: I am back from Vas.

      3. Percius: Ulyne Henim gave a very positive report. (etc...)

    • Revised

      1. Percius (If the player hasn't been to Vas yet.): Do you have any new information on the situation in Vas? You should speak to Ulyne Henim.

      2. Player: (misc. unrelated dialogue)

      3. Percius (If the player has finished their work in Vas.): I see you're back from Vas. Ulyne Henim was in touch.

      4. Player: We cleared out the necromancers there. What did she have to say?

      5. Percius: Ulyne Henim gave a very positive report. (etc...)

7. Avoid overeager quest greetings

When the player is assigned the quest, the quest-givers next greeting will most likely be asking about the status of the quest. This can be jarring if, say, the player hasn't even left the room yet. Try adding a new line for if the player returns to the quest-giver only a short time after the quest was given.

  • Example:

    • Original:

      • Lorbumol: You collect on that debt money I sent you for? Where is it?

    • Revised:

      • Lorbumol (If player has been gone for less than 6 hours): Back so soon? I know you haven't gotten that debt money yet.

      • Lorbumol (If player has been gone for over 6 hours): You collect on that debt money I sent you for? Where is it?

Note for Coders/Quest Implementers: Add a timer condition to control which of these lines gets played. See WICommentScript for an example of a generic comment timer function.

8. Don't let NPCs speak for the player; use the prompt to give a player their voice

Because Morrowind didn't have player prompts, NPCs would repeat what the player is assumed to have said. Except now... we actually have player inputs. So, these end up feeling awkward and the prompt/response has poor flow. These are best to be removed or rewritten.

  • Example:

    • Original

      1. Hasphat (greeting player): Good day. I am Hasphat Antabolis, Drillmaster for the Balmora Fighters Guild. So you're with Caius, eh? And Caius wants some information? I'd be happy to help... though I will require a favor first. Then I'll tell you what you want to know.

    • Revised

      1. Hasphat (greeting player): Good day. I am Hasphat Antabolis, Drillmaster for the Balmora Fighters Guild.

      2. Player: Caius sent me to talk to you.

      3. Hasphat: So you're with Caius, eh? And Caius wants some information? I'd be happy to help... though I will require a favor first. Then I'll tell you what you want to know.

9. Avoid excessive/inappropriate use of "Outlander"

Because Skywind is voiced, instances where the player would be referred to by their name, class, or faction rank were automatically replaced with "Outlander". However, it is rather awkward for faction quest-givers to address the player as Outlander as the player progresses through the ranks. These instances should be replaced with something more appropriate (e.g. player rank, "friend", etc...) or simply be removed.

  • In particular, you should consider 1) the relationship the NPC has with the player. "Outlander" is a derisive term and 2) if the speaker is Dunmer or not. Non-Dunmer don't often use this word. But really, feel free to rewrite any awkward case of "Outlander."

  • Example:

    • Original

      1. Percius: Sjoring is already dead? I'm glad to hear it. You've saved the Fighters Guild from the corruption of the Camonna Tong. As promised, I am naming you the new Guildmaster. Congratulations, Outlander.

    • Corrected

      1. Percius: Sjoring is already dead? I'm glad to hear it. You've saved the Fighters Guild from the corruption of the Camonna Tong. As promised, I am naming you the new Guildmaster. Congratulations. You've earned it.

10. Try to correct inaccurate or contradictory quest information

Sometimes Morrowind just gives wrong information. Fix it when possible.

  • Example:

    • Original

      1. Lorbumol: Nar gro-Shagramph said he'd deliver a ring to Ranes Ienith, but he hasn't delivered. Go talk to Ranes Ienith and bring the Juicedaw Feather Ring to me.

    • Corrected

      1. Lorbumol: Nar gro-Shagramph said he'd deliver a ring to Ranes Ienith, but he hasn't delivered. Go talk to Nar gro-Shagramph and bring the Juicedaw Feather Ring to me.

11. Add acting directions if the line has ambiguous meaning

Sometimes the tone or meaning of a line is not clear when viewed without context. Add some extra help for our VAs when you think it's important.

  • Example:

    • Original:

      1. What?

    • Revised:

      1. What? (Acting note: Angry that the player is bothering you. "What the #&!$ do you want?!?")

12. Lines should split in a way that works well with NPC animations

When an NPC gives an item to or takes an item from the player, they will play an give/take animation, appropriately. This animation will play at the start of the segment. We should make sure that when an NPC talks about giving/taking an item, it is near the start of the segment so that it aligns with he animation.

  • Note: This is not too important, as animations can also be called via scripting. So, if dialogue overall would be poorly paced or otherwise awkward by trying to fit things around animations, then don't worry about it.

  • Example:

    • Original

      1. Eno Hlaalu: So Tsrazami is an agent of the Dark Brotherhood. And you have already questioned her yourself. I will certainly be interested in meeting her.

      2. Eno Hlaalu (Play Giving Animation): At a place and time of my own choosing, of course. Please take these scrolls. I have found them useful at times.

    • Revised

      1. Eno Hlaalu: So Tsrazami is an agent of the Dark Brotherhood. And you have already questioned her yourself.

      2. Eno Hlaalu: I will certainly be interested in meeting her. At a place and time of my own choosing, of course.

      3. Eno Hlaalu (Play Giving Animation): Please take these scrolls. I have found them useful at times.

13. Write new Goodbye Lines

These are lines that the NPC says when the player exits the dialogue menu. Morrowind did not have these at all, but we want to add them in as many places as we can to Skywind. Typically they are used in quests for any parting words before the player goes off to do their questing business.

  • These lines don't strictly have to be saying goodbye. They could be, for example, the NPC muttering something to themselves as the player walks away.

    • Some Skyrim examples are given below:

      1. Astrid:

        1. Off to Solitude with you. Time to give the Emperor some real motivation to visit Skyrim.

        2. You go speak with Muiri. I've got to deal with the Night Mother and her little... clown.

      2. Brynjolf:

        1. You watch yourself on that island. Those mercenaries don't take prisoners.

        2. Good luck in Solitude. Keep Gulum-Ei alive, but remind him who we are.

      3. Farengar:

        1. Off to Bleak Falls Barrow with you. The Jarl is not a patient man. Neither am I, come to think of it.

      4. GeneralTullius:

        1. You're dismissed.

      5. Ulfric:

        1. Talos watch over you.

    • A full spreadsheet of Skyrim's goodbye lines can be found here: Skyrim Goodbye Lines

14. Make prompts interesting and conversational

Try to avoid prompts like "Tell me more about X." or "What can you tell me about X?". These are dull and can get repetitive fast. Instead, try to come up with something more conversational.

  • Example:

    • Original:

      1. Player: What can you tell me about the Nerevarine prophecies?

      2. Sharn: Ashlander culture honors dream visions and prophecy, etc...

    • Revised:

      1. Player: What sort of prophecies does the Nerevarine Cult have?

      2. Sharn: Ashlander culture honors dream visions and prophecy, etc...

  • Example:

    • Original:

      1. Tharer: To prove that you are wise and brave, you must make the Pilgrimage to Mount Kand.

      2. Player: Tell me more about the Mount Kand.

      3. Tharer: It is located northwest of Molag Mar. It's on the left side of the trail. I will mark it on your map. On Mount Kand, Vivec won a contest of wits with three Daedra. There are few lights in the caverns. You may need these potions. If you are not good with riddles, you may want to find a copy of "The Yellow Book of Riddles." Several booksellers have this book.

    • Revised:

      1. Tharer: To prove that you are wise and brave, you must make the Pilgrimage to Mount Kand.

      2. Player: I can do that. What happened at Mount Kand to make it a holy site?

      3. Tharer: On Mount Kand, Vivec won a contest of wits with three Daedra. Your pilgrimage will follow in his footsteps. If you are not good with riddles, you may want to find a copy of "The Yellow Book of Riddles." Mount Kand itself is located northwest of Molag Mar, on the left side of the trail. I will mark it on your map. There are few lights in the caverns. You may need these potions.

15. Add different prompts for different player actions

Morrowind's keyword system meant the same line could be used for a lot of different things, but for Skywind we may need different prompts for different player actions.

  • I normally add alternate prompts a line below the "main" prompt on the script spreadsheet, and leave a comment of what it is supposed to be used for. Alternatively, you could add a new column for alternate prompts.

  • Some common cases for this include:

    • Describing different things that might have happened to the player.

      • For example, consider replacing:

        1. Player: Foryn Gilnith is the murderer. Can the guards take care of him?

        2. Soccucius: Did I misjudge in thinking you capable enough? There is no point in sending my men to do what you should have already accomplished.

      • With:

        1. Player: Foryn Gilnith attacked me after I accused him of the murder. Can the guards handle the rest?

        2. Soccucius: Did I misjudge in thinking you capable enough? There is no point in sending my men to do what you should have already accomplished.

      • and

        1. Player: Foryn Gilnith admitted to me that he is the murderer. Can the guards handle the rest?

        2. Soccucius: Did I misjudge in thinking you capable enough? There is no point in sending my men to do what you should have already accomplished.

      • based on how they interacted with Foryn.

    • Whether or not the player has done something before the quest starts.

      • For example, consider replacing

        1. Player: I found some blueprints. Here, take them.

        2. Edwinna: Yes, this is exactly what I was looking for. Excellent work.

      • With:

        1. Player: I'm back from Mzuleft. Here, take the blueprints found.

        2. Edwinna: Yes, this is exactly what I was looking for. Excellent work.

      • and

        1. Player: Actually, I've already been to Mzuleft and found some blueprints there. Here, take them.

        2. Edwinna:Yes, this is exactly what I was looking for. Excellent work.

      • based on whether the player went to Mzuleft before or after Edwinna asked them to find blueprints.

    • Whether this is the first or later time the player is asking about something. This is similar to the "repeatable instructions" point given prior. For example:

        1. Player (first time asking): I have this book, The Egg of Time. Can you tell me more about it?

        2. Baladas: I had not seen this book before, but it reinforces some my own theories. (etc...)

        3. Player (second and later times asking): Can you remind me what you said about The Egg of Time?

        4. Baladas: I had not seen this book before, but it reinforces some my own theories. (etc...)

    • Making player prompts vary with how the player started a quest:

        1. Sondaale: Are you my guide from the Fighters Guild? I am sorry I went ahead on my own. Please, let us travel together back outside.

        2. Player (if on FG quest): Hrundi sent me to be your escort. Follow me and I'll lead you to safety.

        3. Sondaale: Thank goodness. Please, just get me out of here.

        4. Player (if adventuring on their own): I came here on my own, but I can still help you. Follow me.

        5. Sondaale: Thank goodness. Please, just get me out of here.

    • If the player is tasked with, for example, collecting donations or debt money, they can lie and give the questgiver their own money instead.

        1. Lorbumol: You collect on that debt money I sent you for? Where is it?

        2. Player (player collected debt money): I have the money from Lirielle. Here, take it.

        3. Lorbumol: It looks like it's all here. Good work. Here, you keep half of it.

        4. Player (player decides to pay off debt themselves): (Lie) I have the money from Lirielle. Here, take it.

        5. Lorbumol: It looks like it's all here. Good work. Here, you keep half of it.

    • Or another example:

        1. Iulus: Have you reached our goal of one hundred gold in donations from the Argonian mission?

        2. Player (player raised 200 gold): I *doubled* our goal and raised 200 septims!

        3. Iulus: Excellent! Truly, you've exceeded our expectations.

        4. Player (player gives their own money but pretends they raised it): (Lie) I *doubled* our goal and raised 200 septims!

        5. Iulus: Excellent! Truly, you've exceeded our expectations.

16. Split up long greetings

Greetings in the Skyrim should not be longer than a single segment. Ideally, the segment won't be longer the 80-90 characters. You may encounter some greetings in Skywind (that were ported from Morrowind) that are hundreds of characters long or span multiple segments. These need to be changed.

In some cases, greetings are long because Morrowind just had a lot of dialogue bloat. The line can simply be trimmed to something shorter.

  • Example:

    • Original:

      1. Tonas: These are the docks of Tel Mora, outlander. And I'm Tonas Telvani, shipmaster of Tel Mora, at your service. What's your destination? And, if you're new to Tel Mora, I can tell you about the local services, or point you to a specific place nearby. If you're looking for someone in particular, I might be able to help.

    • Revised:

      1. Tonas: These are the docks of Tel Mora, outlander. And I'm Tonas Telvani, shipmaster of Tel Mora, at your service.

In other cases, if the greeting has a lot of important information, try to spit the line into a short greeting and a follow up topic that the player can ask about.

  • Example:

    • Original:

      1. Sinnammu (Greeting Player): So you have recovered the Amulet of Ashamanu. Urshamusa Rapli told me of her vision. And now you are come. You have done the tribe a great service. But perhaps you may do us a greater service yet. I have heard of an outlander who seeks to fulfill the Nerevarine prophecies, and to be named Nerevarine. Are you that outlander?

    • Revised:

      1. Sinnammu: So you have recovered the Amulet of Ashamanu. Urshamusa Rapli told me of her vision. And now you are come.

      2. Player (new topic): Urshamusa told me she'll use the amulet to heal the Ahemmusa.

      3. Sinnammu: You have done the tribe a great service. But perhaps you may do us a greater service yet. I have heard of an outlander who seeks to fulfill the Nerevarine prophecies, and to be named Nerevarine. Are you that outlander? (link to topic "Nerevarine Prophecies")

17. Indicate persuasion options/player actions

When persuasion options, lying, or attacking are presented in-dialogue (rather than in Morrowind's Persuasion submenu), prompts should have the following format:

  • (Persuade) at the end of the prompt for persuasion attempts (no indication for difficulty)

  • (Intimidate) at the end of the prompt for intimidation attempts (no indication for difficulty)

  • (Bribe ###g) at the end of the prompt for bribery attempts

  • (Lie) at the start of the prompt if you want or need to indicate that the player is lying.

    • Generally (Lie) is only included when the player has an explicit truth vs. lie choice, and there is an immediate consequence to the choice.

      • In other words, we don't need a (Lie) option in early quest dialogue to account for if the player decides to betray and NPC later on in the quest.

  • (Attack) at the end of the prompt if the player will start combat with this line.

18. Adapt prompts for how lines link together

There are two ways that dialogue was linked together in Morrowind. 1) Direct linking of topics and 2) using the keyword system. Both will be addressed here.

  • 1) In Morrowind's dialogue system, directly linked player choices had to be assigned a choice number. When ported to Skywind, these choice numbers became part of a new Topic. So, when working on rewrites, keep an eye out for if a topic conspicuously has a number at the end, like Nchuleft1 or TelvanniHortator2, that means that line is linked from of another line in that topic. For example:

This means that the three highlighted topics are linked from the Nchuleft topic given above. The two Nchuleft1 lines are different responses to the same choice, based on whether or not the player has the blueprints. (Note that we would also want to revise this bit of conversation, due to how the NPC repeats themselves when asking for the plans.) Or, another example from the same NPC:

The TelvanniHortator1 and TelvanniHortator2 lines are linked from the base TelvanniHortator topic.

  • 2) Morrowind also used a keyword system to control dialogue flow. This one can be a lot more tricky to figure out. The "Topic" column tells you what that line's "keyword" is. Then, you need to look for that keyword in other lines to see where it may be linked from. If the quest/NPC doesn't have prompts written yet, then the prompt will probably be the same as the keyword. If prompts have been written, you may have to look at the Topic instead to get the keyword.

Note that some lines can get linked from multiple places. If this happens, try to write a prompt that works with all possible links. Or, write different prompts for the different uses, and leave a note for Coding on what the different prompts are for.

In general, if you aren't sure how some lines are supposed to piece together, feel free to give me multiple options for different ways you think the line might work. It can be very helpful to implementers to have a pool of options to draw from when implementing the rewrites.