Unique Role Descriptions

Leads To-Do List

  • VA/Writing:

    1. Voice/Acting direction for:

      1. Scamps

      2. Atronachs (Fire/Frost/Storm)

      3. Dremora

      4. Golden Saint

      5. Dark Seducer

      6. Daedroth

      7. Ash Ghoul

      8. Ascended Sleeper

      9. Ash Vampire

    2. Acting direction for non-dialogue roles:

      1. Ancestral Ghost

      2. Bonelord

      3. Bonewalker

      4. Bonewalker Mage

      5. Greater Bonewalker

      6. Skeleton

      7. Corprus Abomination

      8. Corprus Stalker

      9. Lame Corprus

      10. Clannfear

      11. Hunger

      12. Ogrim

      13. Winged Twilight

  • Writing:

    1. Dialogue (combat/idles) for:

      1. Ash Ghoul

      2. Ascended Sleeper

    2. Characterizations/Personalities for:

      1. Krazzt

      2. Anhaedra

      3. Lord Dregas Volar

      4. Dagoth Gares

      5. Staada

      6. Menta Na

  • Coding:

    1. Animation

      1. Document used sound descriptors in Havok behavior

      2. Verify events available for creatures

    2. Animation Reference Videos

      1. All of them


Unique NPCs

Umbra (Male Orc)

  • A world-weary warrior looking for an honorable death in combat.

  • Need a deep, powerful voice and GREAT combat.

  • Much much more articulate than the standard orc. Should de-emphasize, maybe even lose the normal tusk-slurring that our orcs have.

  • Sample Lines:

    1. What are any of my accomplishments in the whole of this world? I have traveled from one end of the land to the other. I have killed creatures that can stop a man's heart with but a look. I have the blood of man and mer uncountable on my hands. I have seen the atrocities of war and the hideous excess of peace. There is nothing left for me in this world.

    2. I have no more to do in this life. I have saved whole towns from packs of daedra, and I have slaughtered men for the glory of countless nobles. All that is left for me is my own death, and the gods have cheated me of that. All I ask is to die like a warrior, but how can that be?

    3. (Hit in combat):

      • Groan.

      • Arrgh.

      • Ungh!

    4. (Attacking):

      • Ungha!

      • Argh!

    5. (Power Attacking):

      • Arrrgh!

      • Ummph!

  • Remember with combat lines, it is better to match the acting note (hit, power attacking, etc...) than to match the transliteration of the grunts and groans.

Briinah Ylga

  • Briinah is a new character added for an expansion to Molag Bal's Quest.

  • Briinah hails from an ancient people and therefore speaks in a dead language no player characters would understand, but she will still try to convey her thoughts and emotions to the characters. Subtitles will appear for her lines but will be left untranslated, as translating them would essentially convey that a player's character understands this dead language.

  • Briinah's language is a mix of Swedish and dovah, so her lines aren't untranslatable by the community. Astute and devoted community members have the opportunity to translate her lines, but there is currently no plan for any in-game method of learning this translation.

  • Translations of Briinah's lines will be provided to assist the voice actor in their performance.

  • Sample Lines:

    1. Din mey! Du har släppt löst ett sunvaar över denna värld. Må Stuhn ha barmhärtighet över oss alla.

      • Translation: You fool! You have unleashed a monster upon the world. May Stuhn have mercy on us all.

    2. Kölden... Los nii...? Tack Stuhn, det är över. Du... hur kan du stå emot den frusna yolos av Tsun's fyr?

      • Translation: The cold... Is it...? Thank Stuhn, it is finished. You... how do you withstand the frozen flames of the Beacon of Tsun?

Voiced Daedra

Scamps (Male?)


  • Small, rodent-like daedra. I personally imagine them sounding like Gilbert Gottfreid but that may just be me.

  • SFX has finished non-speaking Scamp noises. These can be found here for reference.

  • The two voiced characters are Creeper and Lustidrike.


  • A merchant scamp living with a group of Orcs, for unknown reason.

    • The events of Skyrim suggest that Creeper is in fact an incarnation of Barbas, the dog companion of Clavicus Vile. Skywind takes no particular stance on whether this is canon or not. One could use Barbas's VA as a reference, or go with something else entirely.

  • (need acting direction)

  • Sample Lines:

    • Hello Caldera!!! I'm here all week!

    • C'mon...help a scamp out. You gotta need something. I've got booze...

    • Don't want to work. Just want to bang on my drum. What's a scamp gotta do?


  • A scamp acting as a bartender for Ald Daedroth's Sheogorath worshippers and "the Mad God's Masque and Bellicose Ball."

  • (need acting direction)

  • Sample Lines:

    • Wanna drink, buddy? Got anything you want, so long as it's sujamma.

    • Back again? I dunno, pal. You look like you've had plenty. Or maybe you ALWAYS look that way.

Atronachs (Male/Female)


  • All atronachs with speaking lines are part of the Mount Kand Pilgrimage quest. They are bound to their roles in the Temple shrine, and are clearly reciting lines from memory when they speak.

  • These roles will not have combat lines (hits, grunts, etc...).

Flame Atronach (Female)

  • (need acting direction)

  • Sample Lines:

    1. I ssserve in Mount Kand -- eternally. My riddle ... you will anssswer it. Or you will perish in flames.

    2. You fail! Now taste flame, mortal!

Frost Atronach (Male)

  • (need acting direction)

  • Sample Lines:

    1. I serve in Mount Kand -- eternally. Like my brethren. Now. Answer my riddle.

    2. You have failed the second riddle. You are unworthy.

Storm Atronach (Male)

  • (need acting direction)

  • Sample Lines:

    1. I serve in Mount Kand -- eternally. Like my brethren. Now. Answer my riddle.

    2. You have failed my riddle, mortal. You will now die.



  • Per UESP, are highly intelligent beings who see all non-Dremora as their lessers (save for Daedric Princes). Condescending and disrespectful towards humans.

  • Probably want to use Skyrim's Dremora voice as a reference point.

  • Uses the default character skeleton, meaning VA fill cover the full range of combat noises (hit, death, swing, power attack, taunts, etc...).

  • Morrowind has three Daedra with dialogue:

    • Krazzt (bored out of his mind)

    • Anhaedra (angry beyond belief)

    • Lord Dregas Volar (serious cabin fever)

    • Daniel Hodge is assigned to all three of these. I am not sure of his status, or how he plans to voice them. We should probably split these between VAs so that the three characters sound distinct.

Golden Saint (Female)


  • Per UESP, are a "proud, arrogant race, quick to anger and cruel in their punishment. They have little love for mortals... and make no effort to hide this in their interactions."

  • Model is in-game currently, viewable here: https://www.artstation.com/artwork/50yw

  • No further acting direction currently available.

  • Uses the default character skeleton, meaning VA fill cover the full range of combat noises (hit, death, swing, power attack, taunts, etc...).

  • Additionally, Staada from Azura's Quest has been given some new dialogue, and can be found here.

  • Sample Lines:

    1. Stay away, mortal. Lord Sheogorath has seen through Azura's machinations, and has blessed me with the honor of protecting the integrity of His wager.

    2. (Acting note: full of shit) I did nothing but warn you against taking such an extreme course of action. You slaughtered the priestess by your own hand, and now the wager is made void by Azura's interference. I hope you are proud of yourself.

Dark Seducer (Female)


  • Per UESP, "have a masochistic streak" yet "generally polite and patient when dealing with mortals" (at least compared to Golden Saints)

  • Skywind concept art: https://1drv.ms/u/s!AuhT5ZEsQ9XPgtdVm5s_q1Rmj0nZtQ

  • No further acting direction currently available. No sample lines yet. Could use Oblivion as a reference.

  • Uses the default character skeleton, meaning VA fill cover the full range of combat noises (hit, death, swing, power attack, taunts, etc...).



  • On the VA side of things we're revising Molag Bal's quest from Morrowind, so the Daedroth Menta Na will have a few spoken lines, found here.

  • Daedroths are giant crocodile-things, so i would expect something similar to the Argonian accent here, just a lot meaner.

  • Daedroths also still need general combat, etc... sound effects you may also be required to do some intense roars, growls, etc...

  • Sample Lines:

    1. At long last Menta Na is free! My benevolent Master will be pleased to know what you have done. Return to him and let him know of your triumph.

    2. Impudent mortal! You have denied Molag Bal the soul of that whore! I will not return to Coldharbour emptyhanded! Submit to my suffering!

    3. Long roar (2-3 seconds)

    4. Short roar (0.5-1.0 seconds)

Sixth House Creatures

Sixth House creature voices will be on a spectrum from regular-Dunmer-gone-rabid to refined poets and prophets of House Dagoth. All roles will be a mix of spoken and combat. Most roles will include some Dunmeri will have some Dunmeri lines as well.

Ash Slave (Male/Female)


  • The Ash Slave is a Dunmer that has recently contracted Corpus disease, and is at the starting phase of the infection, beginning to struggle to maintain control of their own body against the influence of Dagoth Ur.

  • The Ash Slave is blind after having their eyes burnt out by the ash of Red Mountain, and has seared skin due to the immense heat that surrounds them.

  • The contraction of Corprus disease has left the Ash Slave confused and disorientated, bordering on insanity.

  • The infection has caused a lot of confusion and loss of control for these creatures, and their dialogue should reflect this.

  • They will be spoken with a raspy ash clogged throat in the traditional Dunmer manner for Morrowind with little added effects, so the aggression in this creature will have to be reflected through the voice acting and dialogue alone (unlike Daedra who have been effected to sound more demonic).

  • Sample Lines:

    1. The chairs. The tables. All confused. We hear the words, and must speak them. We take them, and arrange them, but still, they will not be quiet.

    2. Hadik adur gher rokaldehn. Osuhn resteyir el bivi. Er ku'ay?

      • Translation: Everything is in disorder. We must place it back. But where?

    3. (Combat Taunt): Osuhn leyshag, osuhn dahrdig.

      • Translation: We hear, we speak!

    4. (Death): Os bahr'druhag?

      • Translation: Do I wake?

Ash Zombie (Male/Female)


  • The Ash Zombie is in the secondary stage of Dagoth Ur’s mutation, becoming feral and unable to control itself at all. A Heart Stone from red mountain has been placed in the center of the creatures face, burning its way into the core of its head, removing the nose and eyes, and leaving a glowing hole in the center of the head.

  • It suffers intensely and its utterances should reflect its pain.

  • Similar to the Ash Slave, the Ash Zombie is confused and disorientated, but in a way that it shows little to no voluntary mental ability, and is nearly fully under the control of Dagoth Ur.

  • The Ash Zombie is desperate for contact with Dagoth Ur, but only “hears” from him when given orders in combat.

  • The Ash Zombie has lost almost all control, and appears almost feral when encountered by the player, meaning lots of groans and growls should be more present than traditional dialogue like in the Ash Slave.

  • Due to the loss of sanity, the Ash zombie could speak with broken sentences in the cases when it does attempt to talk, with growls and groans in between words.

  • The creature should not make any breathing noises through the nose however, (such as snorts or heavy breathing) as the nose has been completely burnt away.

  • This creature could be considered more aggressive than the Ash Slave, as it is more enraged by this point rather than confused.

  • Sample Lines:

    1. What are you? Where is this place? I'm so tired, LET ME SLEEP!

    2. KU'AY ADUR OHN , gaharihn? Osuhn bahr leyshanich ohl. Osuhn almeseg ist ohn darhdid de osuhl. OSUHN ALMESEG EL!

      • Translation: WHERE ARE YOU, lord? We cannot hear you. We beg you to speak to us!

    3. (Combat Taunt): Os mugag el sut ohl, yi gaharihn!

      • Translation: I do it for you, my lord!

    4. (Death): Balori lo druhad.

      • Translation: Let me to sleep.

Ash Ghoul (Male/Female)


  • The third stage of transformation for Dunmer. They now have a big corprus trunk replacing their entire face.

  • Ash Ghouls have crossed the threshold and "woken up." They have none of the derangement or rabidness of ash slaves and ash zombies. Instead, they will sound intelligent, refined, even professorial. They look down on the player for having a comparatively limited understanding of reality.

  • One Ash Ghoul in particular (Dagoth Gares) will have extensive dialogue, but all will have some amount of conversation.

  • Sample Lines:

    1. What? What use is speech? If you will not submit, you must be destroyed. You have chosen war with Dagoth Ur. We grieve for your loss, but we will not spare you. You refused the sweetness of Lord Dagoth's friendship. Now know the bitterness of his fury.

    2. He will not come to you, Lord Nerevar. It is you who must beg forgiveness. Go to him, beneath Red Mountain, kneel before him, and he will show you mercy.

    3. Combat lines not yet written.

Ascended Sleeper (Male/Female)


  • The final stage of transformation for Dunmer. They are almost entirely corprus trunks.

  • Ascended Sleepers will sound similar to Ash Ghouls, but with the condescension seriously turned up a notch.

  • Sample Lines:

    1. Come on! You're the prophesied Incarnate! Azura has promised you fame and glory! Surely you can't be afraid of me, can you? Don't be shy. With a Daedra Lord for ally and patron, how could you lose? Oh, PLEASE don't hurt me, star-blessed hero!

    2. You think what you do has meaning? You think you slay me, and I am dead? It is just dream and waking, over and over, one appearance after another, nothing real. What you do here means nothing. Why do we waste our breath on you?

    3. Combat lines not yet written.

Ash Vampire (Male)


  • These are not transformed Dunmer like the other Ash Creatures, but rather ancient members of House Dagoth the Dagoth Ur has "resurrected".

  • There are

  • We have Dagoth Endus voiced already by Ryan Cooper. See here to listen to the audio.

  • Characterizations of the Ash Vampires can be found on this spreadsheet.

  • Sample Lines: Pick a few lines from the spreadsheet linked above, and audition with those.