Dunmer Stronghold Design Guide

What are Dunmer Strongholds?

Dunmer Strongholds are ancient structures built to fend of Nord incursions in an era before the Great Houses coalesced as well as a magical transportation network between each stronghold. These strongholds predate the Tribunal and usage (or even knowledge) of the Heart of Lorkhan, and should be Grand, Imposing, Impenetrable, and Historic. They were used before the apotheosis of the Tribunal and until the Armistice approximately 400~450 years ago. 

These durable blocky fortresses should seem like they have fallen into a state of ruin but still stand strong and proud.

Dunmer Stronghold architecture is mainly inspired by:

The three biggest architectural inspirations for Dunmer Strongholds are Angkor Wat, the Ziggurat of Ur and the Kailasa temple.

More information on specific Strongholds can be found here. 

Current Inhabitants

Though abandoned by their original builders, none of the Strongholds in the modern day are empty,  instead all are occupied by various flavors of ne'er-do-wells and monsters. These include:

Designing Your Stronghold Layout

Clutter Usage

All Strongholds will have some original clutter from the ancient Chimer builders, such as chairs, tables, braziers, etc. As well as some rubble or destroyed assets. The original clutter would have been spartan and simple given that these strongholds were primarily military structures for a people at war. However, each of the aforementioned groups currently squatting in the structures would likely have brought their own material either to fix up the stronghold to make it defensible or livable, or even just what they're carrying with them when they came across the stronghold. 

Propylon Network

The most noteworthy feature of the strongholds is the propylon network. These are essentially teleporters between the different strongholds that must be activated by finding and bringing a "propylon index" to its specified stronghold. Each index activates their given stronghold's propylon chamber and allows for teleportation to the stronghold clockwise and counter-clockwise from it according to the map to the left. If the destination stronghold has not been activated, the teleport is only one way, risking stranding the player in hostile territory.

When designing a propylon chamber, there must be standardized layouts and architecture for the propylon teleportation, and the entrance and teleportation doorways must remain clear for the player to access since we cannot be sure which of three directions a player is entering from. Beyond that, feel free to decorate your stronghold's propylon chamber however you please in keeping with the current occupants of the stronghold. Most occupants would be ignorant of the chambers' use and might use it as storage, or they might get the feeling that it is important and might be trying to activate whatever it is, without any success. 

Trapping Your Stronghold

Strongholds have three different categories of trap to reflect the sheer age of these structures' existence and occupation.

Original Traps

These traps are the traps designed by the original Chimer architects to defend their citadels. These traps are simple, mostly mechanical in nature, and most important, self-resetting. Any trap that would require resetting or reloading would have long since been fired or activated over over the millennia by whatever intruders and treasure seekers may have stumbled in. The only things logically that could hit the player at this point would be traps that reset themselves. This can include:

Imported Traps

These are traps that the current inhabitants would have brought with them, and can be divided into sub-sub-categories based on which faction controls the stronghold.

Deteriorating Traps

This last category of traps are not "traps" in the literal sense of the word, these are the results of wear and tear on the stronghold that has not been repaired or maintained in centuries at best. 

Puzzle Usage

Puzzles in strongholds are a bit trickier in a military installation, and currently we do not have anything in mind. As always, feel free to have locked doors, and in strongholds taken over by daedra, sorcerers, and Sixth House cultists magic might likely be in play allowing for complex puzzles as long as they are not implied to be part of the original structure. This may be a case-by-case basis to be discussed among Level Design, Writing, and Coding.