How to Record Guide

Please read! Mandatory to follow.

The 10 Simple Steps to Good Audio Recording:

Please follow these really simple steps when recording. They'll save you a lot of time and make the overall composition of Skywind Voice Acting more balanced and professional. We recommend using Audacity for beginners and a microphone of equal or better quality than the Samson Gomic.

Good luck!

Additional Recording Tips and Tricks (optional but good advice)


Place the microphone at a 30 degree angle below your mouth about 6-8 inches (15-20cm) away from your face. When recording, face forward (you do not need to speak down into the microphone). If you do NOT have a pop filter and you find that there are excessive amounts of air going into the microphone's diaphragm (causing plosive sounds to be more prominent than they would be normally) shift the microphone to the side of your face enough to stop air going directly into the microphone (still keep the same approximate distance of 6-8 inches).

Pop shields

A useful tip for people without pop shields, a pair of tights, or pantyhose, whatever your side of the pond, stretched over a wire coat hanger will provide a shield when none is available, plus, it's super cheap! It's wire too so you can bend it to stick around your mic stand.

Skywind Scripts

You can find your script attached directly to your card on Trello. If you do not have a script attached to your card, please harass @km816 until he gives you one.

Script Formatting

Below is an example of a Skywind script. The first row contains information about the character(s) being voiced. Things like names, race, etc... Row 2 is some helpful links (like to this page!). After that, we have the script itself, where Row 3 are the headers and Rows 4 and onward are your lines. 

Additionally, you may notice that at the bottom of your script, there is a second tab named "Reformatted". This provides the same lines, but with prompt and notes presented vertically rather than horizontally. You may use whichever version you prefer.