About Skywind

Skywind is a project run by The Elder Scrolls Renewal community. Its goal is to recreate the 2002 game Morrowind as a mod in the newer Skyrim engine.

As the Skywind team has grown, the project organization has adapted to accommodate a larger group of volunteers, especially since some of our workflows are quite foreign to most game developers, since the team is from many timezones.

However, since this is a volunteer project, we must work to make it easy for people to assist us in making Skywind the best mod around.

Project Vision

There is often confusion about what we’re hoping to achieve with the development of Skywind. In this section we will clarify what Skywind is all about.

What does it mean to recreate Morrowind in the Skyrim engine?

First off, we are not aiming to convert or "port" Morrowind. That simply is not possible when using the Skyrim engine, and there are other projects who already do this. The scope of this project is to use the Skyrim engine and its mechanics to recreate Morrowind and improve the the original game. This means improving on quests, dialogue, mechanics and so on. It is about maintaining the essence of Morrowind, the atmosphere, while creating a more enjoyable gameplay experience.

We all love Morrowind and its quirks, but its age is showing. The Skyrim engine limits us a little; realistically speaking, we will not be able to replicate every feature in Morrowind, nor do we wish to. Skywind will be a different game, in the spirit of Morrowind.

Application Process

If you want to volunteer to help with Skywind, then congratulations! We really appreciate you wanting to help.

To start the application process, please follow this link to our volunteer page: https://tesrskywind.com/volunteer

You will need a Discord account to communicate with us. Register an account and then join our Discord server. You may also need a Google account to access some developer files.

Once you have completed your application you may need to wait until one of the team leads contacts you with something to assist in. The department that you are chosen for is decided based on what you put into the survey, so make sure you try to put emphasis on where you’d like to work.

Please also be aware that there may not be work in your specific area at a given time. If this is the case, we will notify you and discuss further options, if possible.

I have applied, now what?

Please wait until you hear back from one of the team. We shouldn’t take too long, but you may need to be patient.

If you haven’t heard back within two weeks, please communicate with the relevant department lead where possible. Prior to this, please abstain from messaging department leads -- we HAVE got your application and we WILL get back to you as soon as is humanly possible.