How to Use Github Issues (non-QA)

This guide is intended for non-QA members to report bugs, and represents a slightly simplified version of the testing process for the ease of bug-reporting. Fulltime QA testers should refer to the Onboarding document here.

The Skywind QA team is currently using Github Issues to track bug reports. It is available here.

If you receive a 404 error page, it means you don't have access yet. You can DM your department lead or the QA leads (@Spectral, @alynnidalar, and @BlueGradient) to get you added with the Triage role. All you need is a Github account, which can be easily created here. (If you’re a team lead and you can’t add someone, hit one of us up and we’ll check your permissions.)

Bug Reporting

Even if you’re not an official QA tester, we welcome your bug and issue reports! Here's how to report the bugs you find:

And that's it!

Bug Reporting Tips

Bug Fixing

Once bugs have been reported, they need to be fixed! Assuming that testers have correctly labeled their bugs, you should be easily able to find issues that are relevant to you and decide if they need to be fixed or not. If you type “label” in the search bar at the top of the issues list, you will be prompted to select a label, which will allow you to filter issues. (Github search is dumb and won’t let you search more than one label at a time, so you’ll have to do searches separately, sorry about that)

Team leads are responsible for their own issues. For the most part, the QA leads will handle Github organization, labels, etc., so you guys won't have to do that side of things; all we ask is the following:

Once a bug has been fixed and it's in the build, QA will retest. We will either confirm that a bug has been fixed (and close it with the Closed Fixed label), or discover that it hasn't been fixed yet. In this case, we'll label it as Fix Fail and it becomes your responsibility again!

Label Guide

In addition to the "workflow" labels above, we have a bunch of department labels to make it easier to find issues. Currently, we have the following:

There’s also a special Crash label for quickly finding things that crash the game, as these should be high priority fixes.

If you would like a new label (or would like an old one removed), drop the QA leads a note and we can figure it out.