SFX Overview

General Guidelines

44.1 kHz, 16-bit WAV files

True peaks no higher than -1 db

Any audio files that go together should be normalized so that they sound appropriately loud in relation to each other. Don't rely on the implementation folks to do your mixing for you. For example, a layered spell that has 5 audio files should be mastered so that all 5 files are appropriately loud when played back.


Most sounds should be mono. The game engine can place mono sounds spatially within the world (e.g. to your left, to your right) as well as attenuate the sound with distance (further sounds are quieter). Stereo sounds can ONLY attenuate with distance. Stereo sounds cannot be placed spatially, nor can they downmix into mono with distance.


Most sounds should not have reverb applied. Instead, the game engine will apply reverb to your sounds that is appropriate for whatever space the player is standing in. Exceptions to this rule are made for certain sounds, like distant animal calls.

Naming Your Files

Bethesda developed a file naming convention that communicates a sound's purpose and integration method. We will follow a similar naming convention. It will help us stay organized, ease the process of audio implementation, and ensure that you get credited correctly for your work.

To properly describe a sound, please use this naming system:


// Examples




Use all lowercase. Use underscores (_) instead of spaces.

Folders Reference