Onboarding (QA Testers)

This guide is intended for QA members to understand the overall QA process. If you are not a QA member and just want to know how to report bugs, refer to the simplified Bug Reporting guide here.

Quick Links

Installing Skywind

The latest Skywind build can be found on the Discord server in the #builds channel. Current installation instructions can be found here: Installation Guide

Notion Overview

Notion is used for overseeing development pipelines, including QA tasks and feature testing.

QA work is tracked across three separate boards: Coding (Quest testing), Level Design (Interior testing) and Landscaping (Exterior testing).

Coding/Level Design Only: Navigating the boards can be challenging due to the large number of columns. The workspace filter "QA Columns" can be used in these boards to limit the view to the boards described below:

Board Columns

Ready For QA/Ready for Retest: These are cards that are ready to test! When you’re ready for a new card, you’ll move it from this column to QA In Progress. All cards in this column should have a checklist attached (see card description). If a card is missing its checklist, contact one of the QA leads. 

QA In Progress: These cards are actively being tested by a QA person. All cards in this column should have a member assigned. When finished testing a card, you’ll either return it to the landscapers or move it to Testing Blocked or QA Reviewed as appropriate.

QA Reviewed (Coding Only): These cards were tested by a QA member and issues were identified. Someone from coding team will address the identified issues and send the cards to the Ready for Retest column.

Complete: These cards work perfectly and require no further testing! With luck, we’ll never look at them again. (If we need to reopen them, a QA lead will move them back to Ready For QA as appropriate.)

Review Returned (LD Only): These cards were tested by a QA member and issues were identified. Someone from LD/Navmesh team will address the identified issues and send the cards to the Ready For QA column.

Coding Clickup Workflow

Feature Testing Process

This process is for testing complete feature cards in Clickup.

Github Overview

Github is used for reporting new issues (primarily by QA, but sometimes by other team members), tracking progress in fixing issues (by other departments), and retesting fixed issues (by QA). It is not used for downloading the build--we tried to make it work and had a boatload of problems. It is what it is.

Because Github is used by multiple departments, you can see an overview of it from a non-QA perspective here.

As QA, we’re expected to have a higher standard of bug reporting than other departments, who may not be familiar with the testing process! So here’s a more in-depth look at what happens with bugs: 

Regression Testing Process

This process is for retesting specific issues that have been marked as Claim Fixed and In Current Build in Github. They may or may not be tied to a feature in Trello. (Quick Link)

Closing Invalid/Erroneous Tickets

Make sure to use the Closed as not planned button if you need to close an invalid issue. You might have to click the drop-down button next to Close Issue  in order to access this button.


Github labels are used to organize issues. They generally fall into one of two categories: status labels and department labels. We don’t use all the labels, but here’s an overview of what the major ones mean:

Status Labels:

Department Labels:

Frequently Asked Questions

See this page for some frequently asked questions about QA.