Long Lines Project

Originally, Skywind's dialogue lines were ported from Morrowind using a tool that would automatically split paragraphs of text into individual lines. This was all automatic, and the end result left us with some really long lines, beyond what Skyrim typically allows and sometimes split in awkward places.

Earlier this year I kicked off a project to go through and split up these long lines into smaller segments. All the lines to split have been figured out (Link: Long Lines Revisions), and now I need manpower to go through all audio so far and apply the changes. 

In addition to software used for filecutting normally, I recommend getting Notepad++ or any similar text editor that has a "Find in Files" function. 


Tips & Tricks

Process for Cut Files

Long line splitting has wrapped up for cards that are in-progress, and is nearing the end for cards that are complete but not yet prepped for mixing. The next step will be to process cards that have been previously prepared for mixing. On these cards, the VA submissions have been cut into the individual audio segments already, so the process for cutting long lines will be a little bit different (and easier).