ClickUp Guide

ClickUp is the web application that organizes the development stage of each and every cell in Skywind.

1.      It keeps track of:
- who is assigned what
- what the status of any assignment is
- what assignments are available
- etc.


2.      It is divided into a column-based workflow to show the stages of development for each and every cell in the game across several departments. In order, the departments are:

- Level Design

- Navmesh/Optimzation

- QA



3.      The columns for the Nav/Opt department are as follows:

- Incoming Nav/Opt

- Navmesh: Open

- Optimization: Open

- Nav/Opt Review: Open

- In-Process Nav/Opt

- Completed Nav/Opt


4.      General workflow is as follows:
- navigate to the nav/opt department columns

- take an assignment from one of the “OPEN” columns, depending on assignment type

- join the card as an ‘assignee’
- drag the card to the “IN-PROCESS” column
- perform the assigned task
- check-off the appropriate checklist item on the card after completion of the assignment

- drag the card to the “COMPLETED” column
- if it is an exterior assignment, proceed to the Miro application

The below is a screenshot of the ClickUp workflow.